Who am i?

Heyo! 👋 I’m an enthusiastic explorer of all things tech. From coding to 3D modeling, from game engines to DIY projects with microcontrollers, if a computer can do it, I probably want to learn about it.

I have a deep passion for science and a small background in physics. I love to learn how the world around us works and how to apply this knowledge to solve practical problems.

What am I good at

Both during my years at university and in my free time, I had the time to learn and teach myself many different things, following my interests and never getting tired of learning about new topics.

  • Programming

    • I first started getting into programming back when I was 15 or so, and during these years I’ve had the time to experiment with many languages such as C++, C#, and a bit of Java, but I have the most experience with Rust and Python. I used these languages both for personal projects and courses at university, learning a lot while solving everyday problems with this new skill.
    • Machine learning is a field I’ve been captivated by from the moment I first discovered it. The whole concept of replicating digitally how our brain works is still incredible to me, but after learning the basics of how these systems work, it’s possible to leverage the immense power that AI offers. I’ve worked a bit with different models and architectures, from transformer-based LLMs to diffusion-based image generators, taking advantage of the playground offered by Google at Colab and trying to run some of these models locally on my machine.
    • Linux is a powerful environment to develop software. In order to write code, I’ve learned my way around interacting with the OS via command line and how to troubleshoot (let’s be honest) frequent problems, but after some initial struggling, I became more familiar with it, to the point of it becoming my daily-driver OS on my laptop.
    • I managed for many years a personal Arch-based server, and I learned a bit about system management, remote infrastructure and service management tools like Docker, together with the basics of system security, cryptography, and privacy.
  • Software & Tools

    Through my experiences and projects, I’ve learned that often the best way to solve a problem is not to bang your head against it until it is solved, but instead to know the right tools to achieve the desired result without reinventing the wheel every time or wasting time. Because of this, I’ve learned many tools and frameworks that have helped me with my projects in the past.

    • Blender - 3D modeling, rendering, VFX compositing, functional prototyping
      This software is incredibly powerful, it started as a small open-source project to create 3D geometry and grew to be almost industry standard in the world of 3D modeling, visual effects compositing, animation, and simulation. Here’s a small render I made:    

    • Unity 3D - Video game production, physics simulator
      Unity is a powerful game-engine, it combines all the tools you need to make intractable experiences, be they games or simulations. The language used in this engine is C#, and that’s where I’ve got my experience in this language. Here’s a snippet from a game I worked on, where a room layout is first procedurally generated, then populated with enemies:

    • Root - Data analysis and graphing tool developed by CERN
      Root is a powerful framework primarily used at CERN to gather, analyze, and clean data coming from experiments. /images/root.png

    • Adobe Premiere - Video editing

    • Adobe Photoshop - Image editing and creation

    • Microsoft Suite - Collection of programs used for office work

    • Arduino IDE - Arduino board programming platform

    • Frameworks - Various frameworks i worked with

      • Transformers, matplotlib, pyrogram, fastapi, pandas, hugo, rasa, regex, latex, docker, arduino, numpy, wireshark.
  • DIY and prototyping

    I always liked bringing to the real world ideas and projects I had in my mind, so I’ve learned many practical skills to achieve this goal. From the basics of electronic circuitry to playing around with Arduino’s to the correct way to operate big and dangerous power tools, just as much as in the digital space, knowing the right tool to use for any given task is half the job. I approach building stuff using iterative design, building prototypes and testing them to see what can be improved from firsthand experience.    

What do I like

Here’s a small list of my biggest interests

  • Software
    I have always been fascinated by computers, understanding how they work and how I can control them is still one of my favorite activities.
  • Space Technologies
    Space is still the ultimate frontier for humanity, to be able to reach and stay among the stars, we have to come up with innovative tech and unorthodox solutions, pushing humanity to its limit.
  • Machine Learning
    This is a field that has recently gained a lot of popularity, and I strongly believe that if used in the correct way and for the right problems, machine learning could be an invaluable asset in the future.
  • Music
    I always loved music, and I recently started trying my hand with a console and MIXXX. I don’t think I could spend an entire day of my life without listening to some music if you asked me to.
  • World Events
    We live in a chaotic world governed by interest, kindness, and greed. To make sense of our current situation, we have to look around us and back in time.
  • Green Tech
    Climate change is probably the biggest challenge our generation will face. We have the power and the duty to reduce our impact on the climate, I’m always excited to learn about technologies that can help us achieve that.
  • DIY
    Coding software is fun, but you know what’s better? Seeing the code you wrote influence stuff in the real world. Getting my hands dirty and building stuff by myself has to be one of my favorite activities, from building stuff I need myself to repairing devices I own to fight consumerism.

What do I believe in

  • I am a environmentalist, i believe that nature should be preserved and protected in any feasible way, and that it is a critical step we have to take as a species to ensure our continued survival. This being said, I also strongly believe that we have the tech, the knowledge, and the power to collectively work towards a greener future. Climate change is just a very complex problem that takes some out-of-the-box thinking to solve, but we’re up for the challenge.

  • Technology is advancing incredibly fast in a million different and fascinating fields. It’s going to bring about a wealth of possibilities, but there also will be some risks. For this reason, it is important to engage in discussions on new and sometimes uncomfortable topics like AI to evaluate benefits and risks in advance. These things are arriving, whether we like it or not, and the least we can do is to be as prepared as possible, and the best way to be prepared is understanding how theese technologies work.

  • Privacy is invaluable and especially online, I feel like we should be a bit more conscious of where our personal data goes and gets sold for profit.

  • The world is an incredibly complex machine of cause and effect, to properly understand the situation, culture and economy we live in its essential to look at what is happening around us. Keeping up to date on current world events is incredibly fascinating to me and knowing the context, culture and history of a region or state is crucial to properly understanding what is going on there currently.